Moola Star - Superstition or True?
Moola( Mula) star :
Location :
Moola star is located in the zodiac of Sagittarius from 0.00 degrees to 13:20 degree ruled by Kethu
It is believed during marriage matching that Father in law will suffer or die after married to a girl of Moola Star. So during matching of horoscope a girl with Moola star is rejected.
Actual fact:
Analysed various horoscopes and did not find exclusively because of daughter in law’s start being Moola that Father in law struggled or died.
Secret behind this belief:
Generally speaking, a girl born in Moola star naturally gets attracted towards elderly people of opposite sex. So the assumption is that a Moola Star bride married to groom will tend to naturally get attracted towards elder members of opposite sex, which is generally Father in law. So to avoid any sort of intimacy between Moola Star bride and father in law this belief in generally put up and created fear among people.
Let us review the qualities of those born in Moola star
General indications for those whose Moon is in Moola Star are harmless, rich and happy.
The symbol itself is ROOT, which signifies people who go deep into things and enquire. If you give them any topic they will get indepth to understand. They are clever and has good oratorical capacity.
Lend or borrow during the day of when Moola star is ruling. It is likely to worsen your financial position.
Health :
Thighs and waist are the weak areas, so be carefull when any sort of discomfort in those regions of the body.
Profession :
Even though the exact profession can be determined from individual horoscope by placement of 10th house, 10th lord, and Saturn, however general professions associated with Moola star is Military, hunting, fighters, wrestlers, doctors and people with high ambition. So the inference is any career associated with a bit of challenge and exploration would be suitable for those born in Moola star.
Remedy : Worshipping Lord Hanuman will remove negative qualities of Moola star.
Note – The above is only general prediction about Moola Star. For accurate prediction about your life please check your entire horoscope with a competent Astrologer